13 Day Journey ReSource


A re-sourcing of our journey skills and visioning connection. I need to do this for me and I want to invite you along.13 days of Free-Range journeys for resourcing your spirited wholeness back into the wild sensations that reside inside the flesh and bone of your sacred body. 13 days of healing, prompting, reflecting, alchemizing, and calling yourself up to do and be better a little bit everyday. 13 days of re-sourcing your connection to your intutiton and higher power and sacred listening. This series provides 13 days of showing up, playing the video, and receiving. There are some extras and bonuses and such. This is a guided experience for you to do on your own without being alone. May it nourish, encourage, and remind you. May it help you see so you can be what it is you know to do.

Re= again

Source= where things come from

Again, you can have more of where you come from…the place of soul, spirit, prayer, seeing, feeling, knowing, and choosing. We use the simplicity of the shamanic journey as a vehicle to connect. Let me and my drum walk with you.

What’s included…



Day 1...deeper why

Day 2...what are you waiting for

Day 3...the calling

Day 4 choice & decision

Day 5 feel to recieve and shift

Day 6 curiosity that follows clarity

Day 7 recieve what has been poured out

Day 8 check in with Ixchel

Day 9 Human Journey Prompt

Day 10 part 1

Day 10 part 2

Day 11 listen to silence with bonus card pull

Day 12 belly of becoming with bonus card pull

Day 13 own what this made

This experience is housed in the Ruzuku platform. It is ready and waiting for you to re-source your connection.